Yeah, I could start in about the Olympics. I've enjoyed them immensely, even the gymnastics and the sychronized diving - I mean, how anyone can flip on a four inch wide beam or dive the exact same dive in unison with another human being is beyond me. But what would I really discuss that hasn't already been discuss ad nauseum on countless blogs and ESPN pages? Michael Phelps and his quest for 8? The cheating Chinese gymnasts? The Spanish National Teams posing with “Chinese Eyes?”
I could, but that'd be boring. No, I prefer to focus on something much closer to home. BYU football. Two weeks from tomorrow I'll be sitting here:
First time ever as a season ticket holder, headlined by UCLA coming to town (I won't even start on the fact that Ben Olson won't be in uniform for me to boo his traitorous, crybaby backside with his latest excuse.)
Its in this vein that I have started my Utah joke of the day (and thanks also goes to a push from a poor, misguided friend who claims to be a Utah fan. I just had to defend my team.) Check the sidebar from now on to see the latest and best Utah jokes. And if you have any you want to see on here, leave me a message and I'll be happy to put them up on the sidebar.
It's on Matt!
Ya, so I'm a Utah fan and I happen to be able to flip on a 4 in wide 4 ft tall beam!! Haha, so there! Bring it sucka!! BYU smells funny anyways ....
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