October 28, 2008

Oh, the irony!

Everywhere you turn, you hear, "Cougar fans are so arrogant" or some other shtick like that. And sometimes, I really can't blame the complaining fan; Cougar fans like to hang their hats on their team and their successes. I can't count how many times I've heard someone bring up the NC season, though admittedly, it has tapered off with the recent Fiesta Bowl visit from the Utes. But nothing is ever made of the Ute fans as they love to sit back and play the victim card. To be certain, it reminds me of PK on the DJ and PK show on 1320 KFAN every morning. No matter what happens, they are always the victim of some rude BYU fan. The problem is, PK is playing; most Ute fans believe their innocence.


The following link shows the hypocrisy of the typical Ute fan. They sat back and talked about how arrogant BYU fans were with the "Quest" and the "BCS talk" and all the attention while their team quietly went about winning games. Nevermind that they were winning; they all focused on how BYU was arrogant. This link just reiterates the irony of the Ute fan that believes he has been put upon because the "team down south" is perennially in the spotlight and their team is not.

Click here to hear the irony


Shawna said...


Not only are BYU fans arrogant, but they can never admit when they lose a game, they seem to always think it was someone else fault that they lost; oh that was a bad call, we would bee in the end zone if it wasn't for that call. The Refs totally screwed us, we would have won that game. These are phrases I've heard way to many times from you people.

Unknown said...

"You people"? That seems fairly insulting. I don't know many fans that don't make those claims. And to be fair, the only "claim" I've heard since the TCU loss from a BYU fan was, "We would have won . . . if we'd only shown up." There hasn't been one excuse I've heard anyone make from this last game. But I digress, that wasn't the point of my comments. I specifically made mention of the fact that I think BYU fans as a whole are semi-arrogant. The whole point was that Utah fans will quickly point out fault of the fans from down south but there is never anything wrong with themselves. Yes, I admit it; BYU fans have a very arrogant streak about them that comes from many things. But we're (generally speaking) not the only ones.

Amber said...

Ah thats a great song! Aren't you glad that I sent it to you? I agree with Shawna--BYU fans can never admit when they suck and they always blame it on the refs! At least I can admit when Utah just sucks! Too bad we don't though! Go UTES!