May 11, 2010

Politics, politics, politics

We're coming up quickly on mid-term elections and I realized last week that I'm grossly unaware of the demand for a changing political landscape in Utah. Bob Bennett, a three-term US Senator was narrowly defeated this past weekend because of his recent voting history with regards to the Health Care reform as well as the TARP program. As candidates lined up to take his place in Washington DC, I began to take notice that the status quo was being rocked. I put together a list of all the candidates running for office in or representing Utah. I only included candidates that represent my voting district, but I've included links to find out who represents you. I hope this begins to help and I hope that as I find time to study each candidate that I will also be able to post on here a little about each candidate. In case you didn't know, the offices being elected for in this cycle are for US Senate, US House of Representatives, Utah Governor, Utah State Senator and House of Representatives, and Utah State School Board.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm having trouble with attaching my links, so I'll get them on as soon as I can.